hemisphere. Quantified, classified, graded, and so on. IQ tests are all left hemisphere tests. Einstein wouldn’t have made 90 on an IQ test. He was so right hemisphere he could hardly talk. He certainly couldn’t spell, and he couldn’t even do mathematics. He was intuitive and he had his friends help him to mathematicize his intuitions. But, there’s a wonderful book about him, recent book, by Feuer, it’s called Einstein and the Generation of Science . It’s a book of stories and anecdotes and dialogue between Einstein and a dozen or so of his friends. When they were growing up in Zurich and Bern and so on. Anyway, the right hemisphere is the underdog side. Western man has not used it very much. It is the Third World, it is the Orient. The Orient and the Third World are 100% right hemisphere. That’s why they’re backward. That is, they can’t forge ahead quantitatively the way the left hemisphere does.